Jorge Sahd Karmy
Jorge Sahd is a lawyer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and a Master in Public Policy from the University of New York (NYU). Currently, Sahd serves as Director of the Center for International Studies of the Pontificia Universidad Católica and Chile’s representative to APEC in the Vision Group. He is a professor at the Faculty of Law of the same house of studies, where he teaches courses in Economic Law, and Business and Government. Previously, Sahd worked in the first government of President Sebastián Piñera as chief of staff of the Undersecretariat of Finance.
Sahd has carried out works for different international organizations, such as the OECD, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Open Government Partnership (OGP), on issues of transparency, good governance and economic integration.
Sahd is a columnist for Diario Financiero. He is a Fulbright scholar and in 2013 he was chosen among the 100 young leaders of Chile.